10 Day Abhishekas to Goddess Sri Lalita Devi – 3rd – 12th Oct. Navaratri 2024


This 10-day offering to Goddess Sri Lalita Devi is performed every morning and washes away lifetimes of karma from our lives.  The Goddess is bathed daily in a variety of auspicious substances, each one having a different benefit on our lives–removing negativity and attracting all kinds of positivity to our life.

* This sponsorship must be received by 6:00 am Eastern Daylight Time on October 2nd.

Maximum up to 4 Names and Nakshatra
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“Those who worship Divine Mother with great devotion during Navaratri will definitely obtain her complete grace. Mother is ageless, and she has been receiving worship during countless Navaratris, for many ages, through her myriad names and forms. As she is the supreme energy, those who worship that great divine energy throughout Navaratri will become filled with an abundance of radiant energy. They will attain every kind of wealth, including the wealth of peace, wisdom and salvation.”  ~  Amma

This 10-day offering to Goddess Sri Lalita Devi is performed every morning and washes away lifetimes of karma from our lives.  The Goddess is bathed daily in a variety of auspicious substances, each one having a different benefit on our lives–removing negativity and attracting all kinds of positivity to our life.

* This sponsorship must be received by 6:00 am Eastern Daylight Time on October 2nd.